Gaming Clusters Across Multiple European Regions

The GAME-ER project aims to explore the emergence, development, and sustainability of video game clusters, with a specific focus on local and regional clusters across Europe. The primary goal is to generate actionable insights that will help policymakers and industry leaders strengthen or foster the growth of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) clusters in their respective regions or cities.

While much of the existing research on video game clusters has focused on major cities, both outside of Europe and within large metropolitan hubs like Helsinki or Hamburg, GAME-ER fills a critical gap by investigating the untapped potential of local and regional clusters. These clusters, though smaller in scale, play a pivotal role in driving innovation, fostering economic growth, and enhancing regional cohesion.

The project will conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis of six local and regional video game clusters across five European countries: France, the Czech Republic, Italy, Scotland, and Portugal. These clusters have been selected for their varying stages of development, as well as for their unique characteristics, such as the concentration of creative talent or the presence of innovative companies.

In addition, GAME-ER will undertake a Europe-wide study of the spatial organization of the video game industry, focusing on the dynamics of local and regional ecosystems. The research will be underpinned by a participatory approach, engaging both industry stakeholders and policymakers to develop practical recommendations.

At the heart of the project is the creation of an Interactive Methodological Toolkit—a set of policy and practical recommendations designed to support the establishment or strengthening of CCI clusters in local and regional contexts. These guidelines will serve as a valuable resource for local and national decision-makers looking to nurture or expand the video game industry in their areas.

GAME-ER involves 15 partners from nine countries, bringing together expertise in social sciences, policy-making, business innovation, and the third sector. Through this collaborative effort, GAME-ER seeks to ensure that local and regional video game clusters can thrive as key engines of innovation and sustainable growth across Europe.